With over 40 million people filing for unemployment since early March, it is safe to say that we are living en tiempos difíciles. As people begin to seek new job opportunities, the competition gets tougher. Luckily, living in a digital world has its advantages. Nowadays, we have resources and networking platforms more readily available. About 90% of recruiters regularly use LinkedIn así que, hay que tener presencia.
Mija, developing your personal brand is a must in order to have success in your job search. Not only are you increasing your chances of getting through to the next step in an application process, but you open yourself up for recruiters to reach out with an opportunity you may not have been looking for.
Below are a few LinkedIn tips to consider as you brand yourself (these can also be implemented on any other platform):
Be Authentic
You don’t have to tell people your whole life story desde que eras chiquita, but it is refreshing to share a brief introduction summary or video. This can be about your interests, goals, or a challenge that you overcame. Doing this can personalize your story in a unique way or show resiliency.
For example, sharing that you were the first in your family to graduate from college is a major accomplishment and challenge that made you stronger, more adaptable, and persistent. Highlight the part of the story that fuels the drive in you, don’t shy away from showing yourself!
Watch your Online Presence
Check your socials for any unflattering pictures; no one likes to be caught in a bad light, literally and figuratively. Those pics from that loca girls night out? Keep them amongst your friends. Be careful with what you post, what you say and do may be held against you.
Use your LinkedIn and social platforms to celebrate achievements, reflect on your milestones, celebrate yourself and others as well, and to promote causes most important to you. As an alternative, you can always create separate social profiles. One to publicize your brand and the other to keep personal things private…
Make Yourself Visible
Setting your IG and Twitter to private is entirely up to you, but do keep your LinkedIn presence up to date and visible. You don’t always have to do this by making posts about your professional endeavor, you can also adorn your profile with recommendations, endorsements, certificates, and more.
Check out this comprehensive guide to optimize your profile on LinkedIn.
Watching a few Lynda Learning videos is another great way to make yourself visible on LinkedIn. It’s a chance to expand your software, creative, or business skills, and to demonstrate your personal development efforts. After completing a video, you can share your certificate or make a short reflection of what you learned. This is something recruiters love to see because it serves as proof of your ambition and expertise regarding a specific topic.
Keep Track of your Connections
There’s a saying that goes, “dime con quién andas y te diré quien eres,” and in this context, it rings true. Be strategic about who you connect with online. For example, on LinkedIn, join groups that peak your interest, add people whose career trajectories you admire, and send them a quick note, thanking them for the connection (y la decimos en serio, don’t skip this).
Add recruiters or if on another platform, follow podcasters or public figures working in your desired field. Networking and relationship building will help you get closer to your dream job – sabía usted que, referrals are most likely to be a better fit for the company than those hired from other sources. In fact, 88% of employers view referrals as the leading source of superior candidates.
Be consistent
When it comes to what you post and how often, consistency is key. The trick to having an online presence is to be present in the digital space. Make sure your posts reflect who your authentic self, feel free to celebrate your accomplishments and shout out those who have achieved a meaningful milestone. Dale un like, comment, or share to keep yourself on your audience’s radar.
Seek feedback
Have a mentor or someone you respect to look at your profiles for a second opinion. Are you articulating your strengths well? Is your voice clear and genuine? Is your brand cohesive? Leverage your community of supporters for feedback before going live online.
A personal brand tells the story of who you are, your strengths, and experiences – it is your online persona. You bear the power to craft your “personal brand” to your desire. After all, no hay nadie como tu.