Amigx, we know for many of us, periods are something we try to hide from todos, in some cultures women are banned while they are on their period.
The topic of menstruation can be very difficult especially when you’re brand new to the period world and are unsure of what you need to navigate periods. Es muy simple to take a “one size fits all” approach to periods, pero that’s not how our bodies work. Here are five do’s and don’t during menstruation:
1 – track your period.
The very first thing you should do is track your cycles. When you enter this phase of your life every doctor’s visit you go on, you will need to know the first date of your last period. You can use period tracking apps, your calendar app, a spreadsheet, or a journal. Whichever method you prefer, tracking your period will help you understand your cycle, prevent super leaks, and help you feel a little more prepared for that time of the month.
Pero no, ignores tus síntomas. Tracking your cycle means tracking everything, down to your mood and symptoms. Is your flow heavier on certain days? Are your cramps worse? Anything that seems out of the ordinary for you – track it. If it’s something new and continuous, speak to your healthcare professional – don’t ignore it.
2 – cuida lo que comes.
Hay comida en la casa can become an essential mantra during this time. A high intake of fiber, found in beans, can help alleviate cramps, congestions, and fatigue. Eating your green veggies can help relieve and prevent menstrual pains, excessive flow, and blood clots. Keeping a log (or using your tracker) for reference of what to eat on your period es una buena idea!
But don’t, think you can’t enjoy your favorite meals. You should keep in mind, that healthy eating habits don’t necessarily mean not enjoying that cheeseburger you’ve been craving. The most important things not to do during menstruation is overloading yourself with salt, caffeine, and candy.
3 – have period sex.
Period sex is an excellent way to reduce period cramps as well. If you’re ever looking for things to do while on your period with your boyfriend, significant other, or even on your own, don’t leave this out of the question. Not only is period a great cramp reducer, but it having an orgasm will be a great way to boost your mood.
But don’t, skip out on condoms. Being on your period makes you and your partner more prone to infections as blood is the main medium to spread virus and bacteria. Additionally, remember to pee after sex and to wash up afterwards, mejor prevenir que lamentar.
4 – haz ejercicio.
I know, I know. We barely want to do it when we’re not on our periods. Even though your energy levels may be at your lowest, exercising can increase your endorphins causing your pain to be reduced and your mood to be better. The goal is to get your body moving so that the relaxation process can help you relajarte.
Pero no, hagas ejercicio pesado. Being on your period means that you have to take it easy. Doing intense physical activity especially with low caloric intake can cause you to not have a period. Y eso no es bueno!
5 – take care of your vaginal health.
Making sure your vagina is healthy is so important. Understanding how your vaginal pH balance works, knowing how your vagina is supposed to smell and the way discharge should look before, during and after your period is all part of your cycle as well. These conversations with your doctor can also help in inform you on how to keep a healthy vagina.
But don’t, use scented soaps to get rid of the smell or start douching. This leads to an imbalance of your vaginal pH causing infections or irritations. Keeping your pubic hair grooming to a minimum is also ideal during your period week as you will be more prone to pain and irritation if something goes wrong.
Let’s be honest, periods can be a bit frustrating until you know how your cycle works. Entendiendo what you can do, y lo que debes evitar makes you one step closer to being in charge of your period.